The frost did not spare us

From the 5th to the 7th of April, the vines of the Champagne region have been subjected to 2 strong nights of frost, which have seriously affected them. The damages observed go from 20% to 70% in the sectors where the vegetation was the most advanced.
Champagne is a northern region, the vineyard is therefore particularly vulnerable to frost, for the young buds and the lands in period of budburst or leafing.
During this period, frost has a significant impact on vineyards and future harvests.
Champagne is a northern region, the vineyard is therefore particularly vulnerable to frost, for the young buds and the lands in period of budburst or leafing.
During this period, frost has a significant impact on vineyards and future harvests.
The Report on the Vines of the Maison Michel Fagot
Our vineyards are not all spared.
On the "Terres Chaudes" of Hermonville, a 3 hectare plot of Chardonnays was strongly affected. This parcel with a southern exposure and a clayey-sandy soil allowed the Chardonnays to develop early.
The buds of the Chardonnays, have already turned into new plants and some leaves have already come out (this stage is called "Feuillaison" in the vegetative cycle of the vine). And these young shoots are very sensitive to frost.
For the Pinot Noirs and the Meuniers, later grape varieties. The buds started to bud later, they were for the most part in their protective scales and in their warm "bourres".
Concerning the terroirs of Rilly-la-Montagne and Villers-Allerand, no area was affected by the frost.
On the "Terres Chaudes" of Hermonville, a 3 hectare plot of Chardonnays was strongly affected. This parcel with a southern exposure and a clayey-sandy soil allowed the Chardonnays to develop early.
The buds of the Chardonnays, have already turned into new plants and some leaves have already come out (this stage is called "Feuillaison" in the vegetative cycle of the vine). And these young shoots are very sensitive to frost.
For the Pinot Noirs and the Meuniers, later grape varieties. The buds started to bud later, they were for the most part in their protective scales and in their warm "bourres".
Concerning the terroirs of Rilly-la-Montagne and Villers-Allerand, no area was affected by the frost.